Monday, July 14, 2008

Using Webservices

using AS or <mx:WebService> tag

For <mx:WebService> tag, specify id, url of the wsdl file and optionally fault handler function. You can trap an event called load that fires when WSDL loads successfully

You can use methods on a Web Service in three ways:
1.Undeclared Method: Use WS with id. Flex looks at WSDL for the method based on how it is called
2.Declared Method: Operations defined as children of WS tag using <mx:operation> tag. Args validated using WSDL
3.Fully Declared Method: Both operations and arguments declared using <mx:operation> and <mx:request> tag.

Declaring operations enables specifying event handlers for each operation

<mx:WebService id="myWebservice"
fault= handleFaultFunc(event)>
<mx:operation name="funcNameInWsdl" result="resultHandlingFunc(event)">
<paramName1InWsdl> {asVar1ToPickInputFrom} </paramName1InWsdl>
<paramName2InWsdl> {asVar2ToPickInputFrom} </paramName2InWsdl>

Then to call the operation


To do in AS:
var myWebservice:WebService = new WebService();
myWebservice.wsdl =
ws.loadWSDL(); /*Before calling any method we need to load wsdl. Use canLoadWSDL() to check if WSDL was loaded or not*/
ws.addEventListener("result", resultHandlingFunc);
ws.addEventListener("fault", handleFaultFunc);
ws.funcNameInWsdl(asVar1ToPickInputFrom, asVar2ToPickInputFrom);

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