Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Flex Components: Understanding Containers

Flex containers consist of two distinct sections: layout area where the children are drawn and chrome area which has borders, backgrounds, margins, scrollbars,headers, footers etc. In Panel class title bar is implemented as chrome.

The base class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer does not make any distinction between child components and chrome. But the mx.core.Container class (superclass of all Flex containers) overrides several methods including getChildAt() and numChildren() to give the appearance that the container's only children are child components. To gain access to all elements we need to use the rawChildren property. In panel anything added using addChild() will be rendered below title bar. To add elements to title bar you will need to use this property. eg: rawChildren.addChild(myButton);

However this will only add but not size/position the children in the chrome. To do that we need to override the updatedDisplayList() method. This is called everytime the component is redrawn. Be sure to call super.updatedDisplayList() so as the correct rendering happens for the rest of the component. The method is passed two attributes, unscaledHeight and unscaledWidth, which are the actual height and width of component regardless of any scaling.

  1. What do you understand by chrome?
  2. How can you customize the title bar of a Panel class?

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