Thursday, September 20, 2007

Road To Flex-6

for loop has two flavors in AS3.0. One is the regular vanilla: for(var i:int;i<somecol.length;i++){}. The other looks like this: for each(var p:Object in someCollection){}.

You can call a function from the parent MXML document as:
if(this.parentDocument.parentFunction!= null){
But this is not a good practice. Can be handled using events.
Another not so good way for a component to call a function from the top level application:

Use TitleWindow class+PopUpManager class to make a modal window. TitleWindow well suited. Has a showCloseButton property.

To create a popup using PopUpManager, use PopUpManager.createPopUp(parent, popUpWinClass, isModal); This method returns IFlexDisplayObject.

Use PopUpManager.removePopUp(this); to execute the actual close ie removing the popup.

UIComponent -> Container, Button, NumericStepper, ComboBase
Container -> Box, Form
Box -> VBox, HBox
ComboBase -> ComboBox

  1. Your child component need to call a function from the parent component. How will you handle it?
  2. A component needs to call a function from the top level application. How can this be done?
  3. How would you work on making a popup?
  4. What is syntax for the for loop in AS3.0?

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